Bee, Female, 30
Aliases: None known Nationality: USA Residence: New York Employer: Cerberus Solutions Function: Researcher Twitter: EmilyMenton1
Emily's childhood was utterly unremarkable. She grew up in one of the upper-middle class suburbs of Washington, DC in a stable and loving family. A good student, it was simply understood that she would go on to higher education. Even her decision to continue her studies in history was not unusual, it was the kind of luxury the professional class could afford and even if she didn't end up teaching somewhere, the DC area has many opportunities for the well educated.
Gaia had other plans.
Emily swallowed her bee just after New Year's of 2013. Her roommates were away for Christmas Break and she managed to tame her new powers enough to evade anyone's notice, a fact that the secret societies find either noteworthy or suspicious.
In June of that year, a shortcut through the woods and an attempted rape by serial rapist Michael Grimes led to Grimes' death when Emily instinctively defended herself. Emily was horrified, but instinctively concealed her involvement - unnecessarily, it turned out, as the police simply wrote the incident off as a heart attack.
The burst of anima set off a scramble among the secret societies to find the new bee. The Dragon won the race and Emily was whisked off to Seoul, given a minimal amount of training, and shoved through the portal to Kingsmouth - alone and confused - with "You'll know what to do" as her only instruction.
Emily survived Kingsmouth and learned to use her powers effectively. She received additional training and took on additional responsibilities as an intelligence office and field operative for the Dragon.
As far as Emily can tell, something happened in early 2017. Friends seem just a little different, she has a niece she doesn't remember having, and one dear friend has vanished completely.
Girlfriend of Sandrijn de Jaegher and closely associated with Jessica Vanderbilt and Jia Chen as well. Emily has a wide variety of friends and associates in all of the major factions.
Emily is utterly devoted to Sandrijn, even, as far as she knows, more than the Dragon. The Dragon will, of course, tell you that they arranged this for their own purposes.
Emily has recently joined an Illuminati corporation, Cerebus Solutions, as a contractor.
Blood Mage - Emily specializes in blood magic and the use of anima to control the body. Depending on the situation, she can either be extremely subtle or a terrifying whirlwind of blood and rage. In combat situations, she channels her anger to increase her anima output. When one of the handful of people she cares about is threatened, Emily is utterly ruthless and brutal in her dedication to removing the threat. In addition to her blood magic, Emily is competent with elemental and chaos manipulation, but blood magic is her natural calling and preferred technique.
Intelligence Officer - Her training in historical analysis suits Emily to intelligence collection and analysis. Emily's main area of operation is Europe and she travels extensively by portal and more mundane means. She possesses an extensive collection of passports and false identities and contacts in most parts of Europe. Prior to joining Cerberus, her specialty was monitoring the antiquities trade southern Europe.
Field Operative - Emily's specialty is "adjusting the models," a polite way of saying that she arranges for seemingly random deaths of apparently insignificant people. She is extremely good at using blood magic to mimic the effects of stroke, heart disease, or other sudden causes of natural death. A brush of a hand in a crowded subway car is all it takes for her to induce an apparently natural and fatal malfunction. She also has experience leading and participating in black ops actions.
Naturally a bit on the curvy side, Emily has the look of someone who would (and did) struggle with her weight if she didn't spend her time chasing occult horrors. Emily is reasonably attractive but doesn't turn heads in a crowd, a fact which she uses to her advantage.
Emily is naturally quiet, the kind of person who prefers to stand at the edges of the party and listen rather than be the social center. She often escapes notice, allowing her to pick up occasionally useful bits of gossip. Emily had a fairly active social circle, but her new life stripped away her support network, leaving her alone and uncertain.
Emily is at heart an idealist; she believes the world can be a better place and instinctively rebels at oppression, injustice, and impersonal authority in general. In some ways, she would have made a better Templar than a Dragon. Finding out that essentially everything she believed was a lie disillusioned her and left her confused, angry, and depressed. The Dragon has manipulated those facets of her personality to produce an efficient and controlled killer.