Alexis Litwack

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Played by: Wall

Mortal bee, F, 19

Aliases: Lexie, Alexis Winter
Nationality: American
Residence: Texas
Employer: Unknown
Function: Unknown
Twitter: {{{twitter}}}

Lexie grew up on ranches, her father being a stock rider she learned how to ride a horse at a young age and was joining her dad on the trails until he passed away during what at the time Lexie thought was a deranged homeless man, who Lexi later learned was a Vampire attempting to take control of the area around her home city. She learned of the Vampire when her father came home two weeks later and attempted to turn his family so they could live forever. Lexie escaped that night, swearing revenge.

Fleeing her past, lexie landed in Houston, living the partygirl lifestyle until she turned 18 and she got a lead on where her father, mother and the vampire responsible were holed up. Within a week, she assaulted the compound and drove stakes through her family's hearts, forcing the one who had turned them to watch by firing stakes into his ankles betore staking him and leaving the three out for the sun. Assuming she was going to be going to jail for murder, she hid in a nearby motel until the illuminati who had also been tracking the vampires tracked her down and brought her into the fold. Now a distinguished Vampire Hunter, Lexie haunts the night stalking her prey.

Dave Screed

Ironically a bloodmagic user, what better to fight your enemy with?