Faelynn Penn

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Played by: vaeshti

Bee, Female, 23

Aliases: None known
Nationality: American mutt.
Residence: Manhattan, New York
Employer: Unknown
Function: Info Sec Engineer
Twitter: @FaeviPenn

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-Grew up in Seattle

-Mom was an (apparent) nutcase

-Dad was out of the picture

-Mom would spend a few months a year in mental health facilities

-Bounced between her home and foster homes while her mother was institutionalized

-[Around age 10]

-Mom became 'stable'

-Antisocial tendencies begin to manifest in school (vandalism/theft/manipulation/aggression)

-[Enter: High school]

-Her reputation followed into high school, and she was ostracized by most of her classmates

-Skipped class most days, hung out with fellow delinquents, generally got up to no good

-Spent majority of her free time online

-Developed an interest in programming & digital security (notably: messing with places with lacking security)

-Dropped out of high school

-Started making money through varied legitimate dev & IT positions

-[Enter: Adulthood]

-Entered the (much more lucrative) field of blackhat/criminal hacking

-Discovered the joys of alcohol and stimulants

-[Enter: Pollination]

-Tried to justify the 'Dream' as drug-addled hallucinations.

-Started to notice unnatural abilities manifesting.

-Small quirks. Pathways through security systems felt tangible. She could almost taste the signatures left on data packets. Bumping into electromagnetic-field-heavy areas felt like walking into cobwebs.

-Figured she was going batty like her mom.

-Snaked her way into warded, secure documents kept by varied factions (Notably: The Illuminati.)

-Found a trove of information about (Spoiler- Only divulged ICly)

-Existential crises

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Poking around in warded, locked-down, confidential Illuminati docs did not buy her any friends. Faevi fucked up the Illuminati's security systems. So, they returned the fucking-up in kind. Intent on finding out the how and why, she was transported to New York alive- at least, alive enough to divulge the details of who she was working for, the extent of the breach, if the files had been disseminated yet, etc. It was a long night. They weren't very keen on the "curious loner stumbled into your database" angle.

After an arduous night of banter, beating and being doped with a delightful cocktail of psychoactive substances to keep her pliable, the team running the investigation concluded she was working alone. They had wheedled details of her budding abilities to seemingly manipulate tech, despite her own reluctance to even admit she had them. This made her interesting enough to avoid discarding. Interesting enough to keep around and see what they can make of her.

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