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From SWL Roleplay Wiki
Revision as of 19:54, 24 July 2017 by Spellsmith (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Secret World Legends Roleplay wiki.

This wiki is devoted to player-made characters, organizations, cabals, and lore within Funcom's shared-world RPG, Secret World Legends. SWL is the spiritual successor to The Secret World MMO. Legacy TSW has had a thriving and vibrant roleplay community for the last four years, and many players have expressed interest in continuing the tradition!

If you're a roleplayer, also check out the TSWRP mod for SWL!

For more information:

Featured Character

Reza Yazdi

OP2 resized.jpg

Ring, ring. It's for you. Are you enjoying your freedom? It was the least we could do for you. A package will arrive at 3:24PM tomorrow at the green door across the hall. Get there a few minutes early and sign for it. It is yours. Do with it what you will. Your mortal fate is in your hands now. Click.

The moment he opened the package he found purpose. In it he found a new jacket, phone, a mask, a business card, and self-actualization. An Illuminati research facility is attempting once more to cheat nature. It's time to return the favor.