Gabriella Campagna

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'Green Lady, Nym'
Played by: Unknown

Ancient Bee, Female, Unknown (40 something)

Aliases: None known
Nationality: Italian-American
Residence: Transylvania
Employer: Unknown
Function: Hermit

If your character existed in TSW (The Secret World) before coming to SWL (Secret World Legends) -- how do you treat the transition? Are they exactly the same? Did they suffer memory loss? Are they some 'alternate reality' version of themselves?

- Has extensive contacts with Gaia and her agents, especially ones connected with nature. -

      • Spoiler Warning ***

- Her aura is thick with honor and death and responsibility. Regret weighs heavily upon her soul.

- Lifetimes of service to Gaia in opposing the Filth have lead Nym to see what others do not and know what is better left unknown. This knowledge has forever altered her and rendered her seperate from others, especially the Bee's of the modern era whom she views as a 'desperation defence' by Gaia. She is considered an Outsider (angel/demon or similar) for the purposes of how magick and weapons can effect her. In addition she is immmune to most normal weapons and low level magicks, but anti-celestial powers work well against her, such as banishment spells. Characters strong in the occult - especially subtle magicks like tarot or psychometry - can pick up on this and other details (PM me).

- Has now retired from active service, but is still considered Chosen by Gaia and greatly respected by direct agents of Gaia, such as the Old Gods of Transylvania. These agents will readily come to her defence if she needs it.

- As the Green Lady, Nym is a manifestation of Anima-taken-flesh in the Forests of Transylvania, a mythical figure that stalks the forests rooting out the Filth wherever she finds it and rendering aid to the Forest and those in need. As an Outsider, she terrifies the local vampire populations who spread nightmares about her, and provides safe harbour for Agents of Gaia in the area, providing they respect the Forest she calls home. She strikes without warning and dissapears just as mysteriously, seemingly no rhyme or reason to her targets and is waging a psychological war against the enemies of Gaia on one of Earth's key battlegrounds. This has become so effective that vampire and Filth populations throughout Translyvania are beginning to suffer from PTSD like symptoms following an encounter with her. Wildlife is drawn to her and she is often seen 'conversing' with animals and trees.

- Is considered Anima-Touched, which is functionally similar to being a Bee (but not one from the Modern Era)

- Has taken up with Cucuvea in Transylvania and is tracking to be her replacement in her twilight years.

- Skilled in various melee weapons (especially hammer and sword), blood and nature magics, and rifle.

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