Editing Evalithia Atazen

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| faction = neutral
| status = pc
| species = Near-Human
| player = Evalithia
| nickname = Evalithia
| image = evalithia_atazenv2.png
| organization = Afka Research Center
| job_title = Leader of the Arc, Transient Energy Research and Application
| aliases = Eva, Eve
| twitter =
| gender = Female
| age = Age Classified
| nationality = Classified
| residence = Taipei, Taiwan
=• Basic Information •=
''Information in this section would be known from simple observations or interactions.''
'''<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">"Tear at the very fabric of space and time."</div>'''
A somewhat tall, thin, and very pale woman with long straight black hair, appearing to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She always wears black clothing, black accessories, tall black boots, with black nail polish, and black eyeliner. A small cluster of darkened blood vessels can sometimes be seen surrounding her left eye. She speaks with a very strange, yet elegant accent. Sometimes she looks a little odd, and those bright red eyes are always especially noticeable. Her magical aura can be a bit unsettling to the sensitive.
She generally keeps to herself, quietly playing with her square-cornered phone while sipping coffee or soda.
'''Hair Color''' Black | '''Eye Color''' Red | '''Height''' 1.78 m | '''Weight''' 65 900 g | '''Nationality''' Classified
'''<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">"You say it like it is a bad thing. I think insanity is a virtue."</div>'''
Unhinged, sadistic, dominating, and more. It almost never shows directly on the surface. Her cold, calculated demeanor shows that her insanity remains directly under her control at all times, only letting it out when she feels like it would be a good moment for a little bit of crazy. Her moral compass is oftentimes completely random, but she will almost always forgo outright murder for a little mind-crushing. She values her independence, one that she worked hard to maintain by continuously growing her powers, believing it is the only way to resist the control of others. She embraces her emotions and always encourages others to do the same, because it is the one thing that makes all sentient beings unique. But underneath all of that is someone who still values life, even if only for its entertainment value. However, she will always care about those close to her. It would be a lonely universe without any life.
''Eva's true name is indeed Evalithia, and not Evelyn. This was just a workaround so "Evalithia" is what shows in chat.''
'''<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">"Firearms? I do not need such crude weapons. Only the Energies flowing from my two hands."</div>'''
Evalithia holds command over a staggering amount of magic, her most commonly used abilities include:
'''Portals'''. Eva can create a gate to any destination she knows the coordinates or unique energy signature of, bypassing the need for Agartha. Although she has the mental fortitude to visit Agartha, she doesn't like how bright it is, and therefore avoids it when she can.
'''Manifestation'''. While she commonly enjoys manifesting lightning, she is capable of conjuring any type of form to suit her needs. Despite this, she prefers to use more straightforward spells, often involving the basic forms of physics, such as spatial displacement. ''Blood Magic is used as a stand-in for most of Eva's spatial displacement abilities, because of the sigils.''
'''Manipulation''' (Telekinesis). Eva can move objects of any mass (but not size, as large objects are unwieldy), using only her mind. She typically does not need to guide the object with her hands. She commonly uses this ability for convenience or an idle prank.
'''Mind alteration'''. Eva cannot directly read or control minds, only instill imagery or stimulation. She typically uses this to debiliate enemies in combat, or for interrogation.
'''<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">"Remember, the dead do not scream."</div>'''
Due to her powers, anyone who is magically sensitive or even powerful in their own right would be more exposed to her magical aura. While she appears to suppress most of it in an attempt to avoid irradiating the vicinity, the more sensitive people will still feel it. Evalithia is heavily resistant to all types of magic. Her mind is fortified against all sorts of psychic assaults and most other manifestative energy may simply be absorbed or deflected. When one becomes magically powerful, knowing how to resist similar abilities is vital. On the other hand, Eva is not physically impressive.
'''<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">"There is beauty in darkness... if you look past the simple, misunderstood surface."</div>'''
There is little recorded about Evalithia's past. The only records that are generally available pertain to her work in the secret world, which mostly deal with magical anomalies and other magical incidents that need containment. She is active in various online computer games, and typically enjoys MMOs and first-person shooters. She has been seen often in Seoul, South Korea, in the Blackhole PC gaming cafe, as well as at Hotel Kumiho, watching the rain.
[[File:arcelectricco.png|thumb|Arc Electric Company, a front for The Arc]]
Evalithia resides in Luohai district, Taipei, Taiwan. Her present occupation involves magical research, the details of which is largely unknown. She does not appear to work for the Illuminati, Templars, or Dragon. Instead, she remains largely independent, belonging to her own organization. To the mundane world, it is nothing more than just a local electric company. To the secret world, however, it is The Arc, an ancient organization that specialized in the creation and distribution of advanced technology and magic. It has been silent, possibly defunct for nearly six thousand years, but it seems to have resurfaced recently, or simply made itself public once again.
Evalithia is not one of Gaia's Chosen. She expresses pity towards the bees, citing the fact that most are kept under firm control by their organizations. It is not known whether the Buzzing or the Dreamers can communicate with her.
[[File:TheArc-modern.png|thumb|The Arc]]
[[File:ARClogo.png|thumb|Afka Research Center, another front for The Arc]]
=• Top Secret Information  •=
''Information in this section would be known to anyone that does some serious in-depth research of her.''
Some time in late October 2012, the Illuminati contacted Evalithia for her assistance following the events of Tokyo and other incidents across the world. Evalithia initially obliged, but after a short altercation with their faction handler, she decided that it was likely a bad idea to continue to work with the Illuminati. However, Eva decided it was still worth looking into these incidents, despite how little it concerned her.
Instead, she decided she will operate independently, with her own secret organization, now known as 'The Arc'. Because of this, the Council of Venice asked her to file her organization with the Council.
The following documents were submitted:
[[File:eva_letter_to_council.png|500px|Response to the Council]]
[[File:evadossier.png|500px|Evalithia's Personal Details Printout]][[File:evadossierdigital.png|thumb|Digital Version]]
'''Statement from the Arc'''
[[File:ARC-ancient.png|300px|The Arc]]
'''Complacency is death... there must always be a passion.'''
Nothing overtakes the curiosity to know more. To have a drive. To always improve.
To learn about the mysteries of the greater universe, or even the mysteries lost to the ancient past.
History repeats itself time and time again. And each time it does, the call must be heeded. The cataclysm stopped. The damage reverted. Slowly. Quickly. To simply let things be means the greater universe shall eventually fall apart.
Then everything is lost to history, not to be rediscovered.
Until the cycle repeats. Millennia after millennia. Age after age.
'''Darkness is not evil... nor is the light good.'''
Often times there is much beauty in the darkness, and much horror in the light.  The darkness is very powerful, yes, and like all powerful entities, they corrupt greatly. It is when many weak minds succumb to the corruption, and then the next great devastation begins.
However, those strong enough to capture this power shall become great beings.
They become strong enough to act past their alignment.
'''Tear at the very fabric... of space and time.'''
Transient energies is what embodies the greater universe.
It is what makes it exist.
It is what makes us exist.
Tangible. Understandable.
It exists in everything. It creates everything.
It is everything.
Civilizations throughout time and space recognize it as different entities.
The paranormal. The supernatural. The occult.
Magic. Force. Anima.
Transient energies.
Passing. Flowing. The power to alter the very fabric of reality and fantasy. To manipulate the ordinary. To manifest the extraordinary.
We are The Arc.
Sixty centuries ago we helped shape your world. Your pyramids. Your computers. Your structure of society.
Then came the end of the Age. And we lay dormant.
Now, we shall help restore it, as history has repeated itself yet again. And again it is our responsibility to ensure it does not jeopardize the integrity of the greater universe.
Because if we did not, it may very well be the end.
=• Council of Venice Screening  •=
''Information in this section would be known to anyone that does some serious in-depth research of her.''
A short interview was held to provide a background to what is essentially an immortal alien, asked to help save Earth. It is concluded that she used her teleportation powers to arrive.
The following is a summary of topics:
No personal history recorded for any events on Earth. It is not known if Evalithia was present on Earth any time between now and six millenia before. When asked about her age, she became noticeably uncomfortable and did not give a an exact answer, only mentioning that it is around six thousand years. Her alleged date of birth may have been determined using major events and an approximation using a modern calendar. This information is not important to the Council of Venice. Those who are still curious may attempt to earn her trust.
'The Arc' has traces of activity involving pre-dyanastic Egypt and China. Possible influences in the Xia Dynasty. No additional activity was noted until only recently.
Evalithia Atazen: Class A UMM (Unidentified Magical Manifestation). Evalithia takes on the form of a humanoid female, presumably who she remembers herself as. She is unable to change forms completely. Has an extreme mastery of elemental, spatial, and other physics-based magic, which she calls 'The Energies', or 'Transient Energy'. She claims that she grows in power in order to resist the control of others, and greatly dislikes being a subordinate. She does not seek to rule over others with her power. Evalithia is fond of dark themes in general, stating that only strong minds could use such dark powers or else they become controlled by the darkness itself, thus becoming a slave to the magic they wished to control.
Evalithia's home planet. Her current home is located in San'drach, Irafor, which is overall the largest city there. Technology is slightly ahead of Earth's, examples include two types of portal technology, one in existence for about 500 years, allowing travel between two set points only. The other was just recently rediscovered, allowing any destination if an energy signature is known. Other technology follow similarly to what is on Earth. Computers, cell phones, cars, and such are largely the same functionally, just more powerful. Eva is the only known major magic user. There are others in her organization who are capable, but not to a significant extent. She has mentioned she wished to restore "transient energies" to her home planet. It can be assumed that Ervala was once magically capable, and a major event caused magic to become inaccessible.
Evalithia's faction. Technologically sufficient with a recovering magical component. Originating from ancient, possibly prehistoric times, The Arc was involved in the creation and distribution of new technology and magical techniques. It was once a significant influence on the prehistoric world, and as such, little records are retained. All that is known is that they were involved in some way with the Xia Dynasty and pre-dynastic Egypt. The organization went silent for nearly six millenia afterwards. Eva is currently one of at least two members with sufficient magical powers to safely operate in the field, and also functions as the defacto handler. The majority of the organization is stationed back in San'drach, with a small contingency working locally at a secret location in Luohai district, Taipei, Taiwan. 'Afka Research Center' is the front organization for the Arc in Ervala. Its purpose is largely the same, with a much lower secret clearance.
Aftar an attempt by Geary to strong-arm the Arc, Evalithia ceased all cooperation with the Illuminati. Because of this, the Illuminati and the Arc generally do not like each other, even though the Illuminati were the ones that managed to contact the Arc.
The Templars welcomed any help they could find in dealing with the recent Tokyo incident and other issues around the world. However, very little information is exchanged between the two organizations. Relationship only remains at a "we won't kill you if we're working towards the same thing" basis. Evalithia did mention her concerns of the Templars being slow to keep up to date both technologically and magically.
while world.exists() == true {
Evalithia has no opinion about the Dragon, despite the Arc having a possible relationship with them from alleged activity during the Xia Dynasty. The Dragon could not be reached for comment at this time.
Compiled with composite data extracted from public & private declassified record, including a direct interview by the Council of Venice.
=• OOC Notes  •=
Want to have Eva in your plot? Just ask! But make sure she's a good fit. If you need someone who is very experienced with all types of magic, Eva's perfect for that role. She is capable of stealth and sabotage, too, but she generally utilizes such abilities for idle entertainment instead of serious jobs. If you want to use her portal powers so you can move stuff, she will only do so if she knows exactly what you're moving. She's also a bit technologically proficient, but for anything major you might want to find a dedicated technomancer.
Quick ways to get into RP with me!:
*Just say hi! Introduce yourself. Comment on Eva's appearance. Her red eyes are notably striking. Talk about the weather if we're in Seoul.
*Talk about what's happening. Either locally or all the stuff happening since the Tokyo incident.
*Idle chatter about magic. Eva's been doing the magic thing for a very long time, and it can be a passionate subject for her.
*Eva loves technology. Talk about computers and gaming. If she trusts you a bit more, talk to her about Third Age technology.
You might know the Arc if:
*Your character had something to do with pre-dynastic Egypt.
*Your character did too much research on the Xia Dynasty.
*Your character is of a high rank in any secret society.
You might already know Eva if:
*You RPed with her before, but not on SWL/TSW.
*You have knowledge of her base universe (Ervala, etc.)
*You played with her in an online game (ICly, as in your character playing with my character online)
You may have seen Eva if:
*You visited the PC gaming cafe in Seoul, as she enjoys computer entertainment, despite the computers there being a tad slow. You might have also seen her at the Kumiho Hotel, watching the rain.
*You were in London anywhere that sells caffeinated drinks. Coffee, soda, etc. She has alcohol on extremely rare occasions. She prefers the Crusades over the Horned God.
*Sporadically in random spots around the world, due to her teleportation abilities.
RPing with Eva as an Illuminati agent:
Unless it's specifically stated that you are an Illuminati agent, Eva would not (and won't care) to know if you are or not. However if you pry too much she will get suspicious. She won't work with the Illuminati, but she will still understand that the individual may sometimes not be equivalent to the whole. If just chatting about non-serious topics, then there will be nothing particularly problematic.
RPing with Eva as any other faction:
Business as usual.
Additional RP notes:
*If you're extremely sensitive to magic, you will see Eva's physical form is not what it seems...
*Eva arrived recently. She doesn't know many common things about Earth, such as popular foods or pastimes. She knows English fairly well, and can speak it rather eloquently, but with a unrecognized (but intelligible!) accent. She might mutter some things in her own language, which nobody will be able to understand.
*She understands and recognizes most types of beings and rituals in the secret world. She has conducted extensive research of such topics upon her arrival.
*Eva will hide the fact she's not from around these parts, despite that being public (to the secret world), and sort of obvious. Most people won't care to pull the info right off the Council of Venice database, but they can if they wish for the RP to head that way.
*If you do flat out ask her about personal details, she will give very flippant answers. Give her time to trust you.
*Despite being a powerful magic user, Eva enjoys technology, notably the entertainment aspect of it. The same could be said about firearms.
*Eva loves all types of caffeinated drinks.
Personal notes:
I like hugs :3
<section begin=fcb /><div id="fcb">
<div id="fcb_image">[[File:evalithia_atazenv2.png|x300px]]</div>
<div id="fcb_text">Evalithia looks like your typical goth girl. She enjoys caffeinated beverages of all types and video games. Her immense magical abilities has allowed her to resist the influences of the larger secret societies. She values her independence and refuses to submit to others, and is why she strives to become more powerful. She enjoys many dark topics which may not always align with the good side, but underneath her love of darkness is someone who also values life, because the world would be boring without it.</div>
</div><section end=fcb />
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