Kerian Pierce

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Revision as of 15:45, 27 June 2017 by Eskina (talk | contribs)
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Played by: Eskina

Bee, Male, 30

Aliases: None known
Nationality: Canadian
Residence: Antwerp, Belgium
Employer: Council of Venice
Function: Field Medic / Researcher
Twitter: @CyberPathos

Kerian is quite a classical human male, with all the bits where they need to be. He is tall and slender, giving him a frail appearance one could see as severe anemia when adding his ashen skin to the mix. He also sports huge bags under his sapphire blue eyes, supposedly caused by his smoking habits and his inability to sleep consistently. About the face features, he prefers to wear his hair at shoulder length or tied. As he is plagued with early hair whitening, he is known to dye his hair in whichever color he fancies at the moment to hide this condition and extends the treatment to his facial hair, when he does not shave them. On the topic of clothing, Kerian is quite extravagant and does not hesitate to wear articles of clothing sporting patterns and colors that would offend any fashion afficionado but keeps them in the occidental style. If you happen to see him naked, or atleast bare-chested, you will witness a skeletal figure, as if his bones could pierce his skin at any moment. His torso is also covered in bruises, ancient or recent, and multiple scarred cuts you could guess as self-inflicted. On his left shoulder, you might spot a colored tatoo and, upon closer inspection, you would recognize an assemblage of pixels in various shades of blue, without any recognizable pattern. The tattoo seems unfinished, as if the goal was for it to cover a larger area, either the whole upper torso or around the neck to join the right shoulder.

Kerian is, for all intents, mute. He fell into selective muteness early on and has not used his real voice for so long many think he just lost this ability. Instead, as the mean to put some distance between him and the world, he prefers to express himself by texting his interlocutors or writing with alacrity on either a notebook or a tablet. When communicating, he displays a highly cynical, if not amoral and jaded, vision of the world as he seems to place no limits to what could and should be accomplished to further the goals set to him at the present moment, be they its own or the mission's.

Kerian has a Ph.D in Biology, with a specialization in Toxicology and a knack for Nano-medicine. Though he is more versed in research, it is not uncommon for him to actually take part in medical procedures and he can perform diagnosis and surgery with ease. He was born with a knack for blood magic, letting him perform what the mundane could only call "miracles" by pulling patients from the brink of death through minor control of their vital signs or slow purge of poisonous fluids.

When he became a Bee, Kerian's magic abilities skyrocketed. He gained an even greater control of the living world through blood magic, developing some kind of disease and poison manipulation. He also proved himself proficient in elemental magic, especially everything related to lightning magic and electro-magnetism. When it comes to conventional weapons though, the only weapon he could really defend himself with would be a trusty scalpel or a simple pistol with which he would aim at the well-known squishy bits of the body.

I rebooted the character in many aspects. I still kept the same "frame" but changed his occupations. In TSW, Kerian was a hacker who used very advanced technomagic and basically existed more on the technological side (He supposedly existed in two versions : His physical body, and a digital copy on the Internet) than on a physical level. But due to the huge number of PC characters who are hackers, I decided to steer away from that trope for more originality (I am not saying hackers are an unoriginal concept, it is understandable to have a lot of them in a modern world setting. But I wanted to stand out from this mass.)

It will come... Just wait...