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(tl;dr : local maenad wanders as they please. More at 11.)
(tl;dr : local maenad wanders as they please. More at 11.)
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| nickname = wildhaunt
| nickname = wildhaunt
| image = NoImageAvailable.gif
| image = NoImageAvailable.gif
| organization = [redacted]
| organization = disorganized
| job_title = [redacted]
| job_title = free agent
| aliases = syd
| aliases = syd
| twitter =  
| twitter =  

Revision as of 19:17, 19 March 2022

Played by: syd lev

Wandering maenad, agender, 30s

Aliases: syd
Nationality: Unknown
Residence: museum oddities wing
Employer: disorganized
Function: free agent

You remember that feeling you get when you're only ... kinda there... all your processes are running on auto pilot. You know that thing where you're so distracted by whatever inconsequential bullshit is going on that you're just ... floating?

You get up, go to work, grab a drink, grab another drink, go home, wash & repeat. The word routine is bandied about a lot these days- with only a moderate amount of disgust.

Remember dude, the routine is important, without the routine you're back to: leaving your keys in the pantry, melting your favorite pot holder on the burner, accidentally eating that weird bug you're pretty sure is going to melt your brain, asking yourself how long it's been since you last washed that hoodie...

  • the voice trails off echoing off a distant time and space*

Syd had almost forgotten about the bug, almost. They don't really remember much about their life before. They can just remember the day. Not clearly just pieces. Memories and puzzles and riddles to untangle and reorganize.

Now they're going to obsess over it. You should see them- panicked googling the dangers of eating bugs. How many did they eat as a kid? Countless and they turned out fine ... ok, mostly fine. People eat bug every day and are fine. They keep repeating over and over: it's all fine. It was probably a beetle they outnumber us a billion to one, or a bee ... wouldn't that hurt though?, or a spider - oh Gods are they the new Spiders Georg -

They can see the headline now: Some fucker living in the city eats a bug and becomes new beacon of arachnid utopia. Spiders from far and wide come to take up residence in this poor bastard's mouth.

WebMD tells them, "you have horrible brain melting disease" where your brain just melts out of your head. They decide to just wait and see if they break out into hives... fuck did their nose just start running? Is it allergies?

They mostly hope whatever they just swallowed isn't going to give them a parasite. They unlock their phone and googles "Leucochloridium paradoxum".

It's been several hours and their brain doesn't seem to be melting- after a few calls they're pretty sure that they would feel it melt. They have a drink, microwave their exciting dinner for one, and pass out on their old blue couch watching nick at nite reruns.

  • the distant echo of Lucille Ball's familiar whine, "...but Riiiicky!" morphs and stretches jarringly with the laugh track into loud hissing static as the picture shifts into a moving melting speaking pitch* Nothing new.

Their pupils blossom wide-open in the darkness. It's 3 am, they can feel their scrawny arms lifting their too too heavy body from the cushions. Drool slicking the pillow and their face. Their blue hair tangled and mashed in weird directions. Bleary they flail around for the remote on the floor. The television turns off before the dark viscous-looking screen attempts to speak.

They blink, eyes focusing and un-focusing - unsteady.

Vaguely aware of their feet moving - dragging their stiff aching legs and cold, tired, protesting body along with them. Exhausted and confused they walk because they don't have the energy to fight it. They walk, plodding quiet, past the park and the 24 hour laundry. They absolutely certain they need to get a brain scan and that whatever they ate is probably melting their brain right now.

They shiver in the cold overcast of the bay. Distant sound of cars and the subway's rumble are quieter than usual. The rough concrete sidewalk is both damp freezing and their sneakers do fuck-all to keep their toes from going numb. Their conscious focus is so so far away from their surroundings ...

Until they realize - they're trailing down, down, into the dim, wet, dripping darkness of this curiously labyrinthine sewer.

How did your character become part of the Secret World, and what have they been up to since then?

If your character existed in TSW (The Secret World) before coming to SWL (Secret World Legends) -- how do you treat the transition? Are they exactly the same? Did they suffer memory loss? Are they some 'alternate reality' version of themselves?

It's strange to ask, are we aware of the transition? Are they me? or are we just the same? Which is impossible- each instance is different and whoops there I go again. The Mobius Ship - ok ok it was just a freudian slip got out of hand - but how does one instance of oneself not influence another?

Sometimes there is a distance memory - like a headache with pictures...

It's less that there's memory loss - and more trying to piece together rooms and spaces that they were certain to have been in but know that can't possibly be true. Deja vu but extra foggy.

After the shift they spent most of their time hiding around Transylvanian forests observing fungal growths, local fauna, and local custom.

  • that too-familiar voice chimes in inside their head*

We know what happened: You're finished. Exposed!

Getting fired sucks. Getting fired by a woman with the ability to call a hit on you? And worse - end your whole career? That sucks in a whole new magnitude.

You find a bar, you go there, you drink. You find another bar. You drink! *toasts* You find a buddy! Your buddy finds a bar! You find yourself with your buddy in a tavern in Transylvania in the presence of a God. YOU DRINK! You smoke! You eat some tasty mushroom risotto that tastes like music and flashing lights. Give in to a little frenzy. Once you fell in line for your faction - here you are shuffled just off center from where you came...

Now it doesn't seem so bad: being jobless, being hunted, but flowing free as your feet will take you. ---

Glittering through the woods not quite all there but doing their best. They just want to enjoy things. Most times they're a little spacey.

Everyone knows someone. What groups, people, friends, and relatives does your character have ties to? Would other characters know them from a favorite hangout or a particular organization?

They've been coming out of the woods and back into the world. Mostly only going to music shows and participating in some general group slaughter.

Pets: Synthetic Pseudanthium - Steve, Stevedore Q. Greenbriar. Found him on a dock. He looked hungry. He's fed a steady diet of whatever they can find.

Partners in time killing: Door Coleman. Recent Bee, he never knew the old world. He's not tethered to the memory.

Are they demon-possessed? A skilled Elementalist? Want to describe their awesome powers or trademark equipment they always carry? This is the place to do it.

Tries to always wear their mask. You can't accidentally eat bugs that way.

So this character started out (in TSW like 10 years ago) as just like a personal avatar - mostly because I was playing with some friends in a more - urban fantasy kind rp setting. That kinda fell apart as things do but they were the one I main-ed. Since then they've kinda become a different sort of character with a little more focus and a little less wool gathering.

IRL I'm just a nerd hanging out with my partners and working on puzzles, obsessing over food, or working on some fiber art project.

If you want to add more sections, just copy this block and change the title/text to whatever you want! But please don't edit below this line!