Ellie Jones

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Revision as of 15:05, 18 June 2017 by Starling (talk | contribs)
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Played by: Starling

Bee, Female, 29

Aliases: Ell, 'Doc'
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Residence: Unknown
Employer: Unknown
Function: Field Research

Former Med student, buzzed just months before her very last exam.  The influx of energy sparking between her fingers made holding a scalpel a little dangerous, and she thought it prudent to stay away from clinic detail for a while - or so she said when she found the end of our crumb trail. 
Didn't take her long, either, but that doesn't mean much. Honestly, when you give a toddler the right shape and show them the hole it's not exactly a cause for celebration when they get it in. It's just fifty-fifty as to whether it ends up in the slot or somewhere gross and sticky. Thankfully, Jones doesn't seem to have an oral fixation.
What she does have is an almost pitiable need to suss out the logic in any given situation, which is often a little bit detrimental to the sanity of our field agents. At least she's fastidious. 

5'7" (170 cm), 173 LB (78.5 kg) 
Red hair, green eyes, freckled skin, round face.
Prefers comfort and function over fashion. Nearsighted; switches between glasses and contacts. 
▲ Seems to have natural aptitude for magicks, specifically Elemental and Kinetic energies. Testing for potential with Blood and Life.
▲ Absolutely rubbish with firearms and martial weapons. Don't bother, we tried. For someone who was planning to cut people open for a living, she sure is squeamish about physical violence.

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