Alyse Reilly

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Played by: Alyse Reilly

Human, Female, 29

Aliases: None known
Nationality: United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
Residence: Geneva, Switzerland
Employer: World Health Organization
Function: Security Consultant
Twitter: @reilly_alyse

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 115 lbs
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Red
  • Build: Slender/Athletic
  • Ethnicity: Swedish/Irish


Of about average height, Alyse is surprisingly fit for her size. While her strength and endurance pale in comparison to those who have dedicated their lives to such conditioning, she can hold her own in a physical confrontation. She dresses in the finest of clothes, most of which she purchases from local tailors during her travels. Everything is custom fit to her, and nothing is brand name. While the Illuminati and the Dragon scurry about behind the scenes, the Templars are at the forefront of the Secret World, and she carries herself appropriately. Despite leaving Ireland as a teenager and becoming fluent in several languages, her voice still carries a thick accent, regardless of the language she speaks. When flustered or frustrated, she will sometimes slip back into speaking Gaelic.

Easy on the eyes, charming, and intelligent, Alyse Reilly is not what one might expect from a security consultant for the World Health Organization. For all intents and purposes, Alyse seemed dedicated to her job, genuinely believing that she was doing good in the world.

From a young age, Alyse has had a passion for, and a love of other cultures, languages, and history; which she studied extensively at University.

She enjoys the travel her job provides, spending long periods of time around the world in both good times and bad. She's worked outbreaks in the New England, Eastern Europe, and Egypt, and has escorted WHO officials to conferences throughout Europe, the United States, East Asia, and South Africa. While she rarely travels with the dignitaries to the events themselves, Alyse is believed to be working off site, or at least out of sight, managing the affairs of the security details.

In her downtime, Alyse can be seen engaging in the culture of wherever she is. Historical landmarks, libraries, and museums are of particular interest to her, along with local cuisine and bars, even though she rarely drinks.

Alyse's musical tastes are eclectic, to say the least. Her colection consists of tens of thousands of songs, from nearly every genre of music, though she does tend to show a preference towards rock, and metal. When travelling, she enjoys attending live performances of local music.

Surprisingly, Alyse is not active on Social Media. While she has a twitter account and a facebook account, she rarely posts on either.

Alyse's romantic life is something of a mystery. She has never been confirmed to be in a romantic relationship with anyone, though she has demonstrated attraction to women. While she does not discuss her romantic life with others, she has been seen around the world in the company of a slightly younger woman. This companionship seems closer than merely friendship would suggest.

Ma was the daughter of a Swedish immigrant who came over after the War. Da was a violent drunk and a rebel. This was the world that Alyse grew up in. Belfast in the nineties was a troubled city, plagued by decades of warfare and unrest. Even the ceasefire in ninety four did little to ease the tensions. While Alyse was too young to know why people were fighting before the ceasefire, she was aware that it was not a safe place to be. She lost her father when she was eight, when the cease-fire was broken. She grew up seeing the soldiers manning the so-called "Peace Lines," hearing bombs and gunfire, and seeing the police in their armored vehicles blocking the rodes. Worse yet, she grew up thinking this was all normal.

After the Good Friday Accords, her life assumed a sense of normalcy. At least, as normal as life could be in post-war Belfast. The walls remained, old hatreds simmered, but at least most of the fighting had stopped. Ma remarried when Alyse was fourteen, taking her and her youngest sister off to London to be with her new husband. There, Alyse thrived. Her step father was a wealthy man, with many connections. Thanks to his money, Alyse received private tutoring, and her school grades improved dramatically.

After graduating from secondary school, Alyse was admitted to Oxford University. There, she discovered a knack for acquiring languages, and dedicated herself wholly to her studies. She had few friends, but received top marks in all of her classes. After her Bachelor's Degree, she pursued a Master's. Then another. She was in the process of applying for admission to a PhD program when her mom got sick.

She returned to London shortly before her mom passed. It was there that she was approached by a "friend of the family." Her stepfather had been keeping his employers appraised of Alyse's progress and studies, and they apparently liked what they saw. After a brief conversation, a phone call was made, and Alyse was offered a job with the World Health Organization as a security consultant.

That was the cover, anyway. In reality, Alyse had been recruited to join the Templars, an ancient society sworn to keep evil at bay, no matter the cost.

Alyse's work with the WHO is a front. Of course. Why would a historian be working as a security consultant for the World Health Organization? Because it opened doors, that's why. It opened doors without people asking too many questions. Over the years, her organization has found that people tend to not ask too many questions, or get too close when some plague or another has broken out. And they make the most of it.

In her time with the order, she has distinguished herself as an outstanding field agent, specializing in the recovery of assets best kept out of the wrong hands. If the mundane people of the world knew about the things that go bump in the dark, and the things that terrify even those creatures... their fragile little minds would snap. To that end, the Templars dispatch agents like Alyse to recover artifacts, documents, bodies, and anything else that might be used to bring about supernatural devastation, or prove the existence of the gods and monsters they've only read about in fairy tales.

Asset recovery can be a delicate operation, or it can be straightforward. Sometimes, Alyse may attend an antiquities auction to purchase an item. Sometimes, she may have to acquire it from a museum, often by swapping it out with a replica. Sometimes things go tits up, and she has to recover the object by force. Either way, when she gets the call, she gets the job done.

Templars - Recruited through her stepfather. Vetted as a teenager, and inducted into the Order after University.

World Health Organization - Though her job there is a cover, she does actually work with them when not on assignment.

Sasha de la Cruz - Illuminati Witch. Their paths have crossed on several operations. Though unorthodox, their partnerships regularly produce desired results for both organizations. Their relationship is likely more than strictly professional.

Most of my RP is done on RPHaven. I could be convinced to play in game, as well.

Her RPH Profile will most likely be kept more up to date than this as I continue to refine, edit, and actually play her.

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