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From SWL Roleplay Wiki
Revision as of 02:09, 21 August 2017 by McSpazz (talk | contribs) (The old link went to the removed modification of the old RP mod. This link will direct you straight to the replacement.)
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Welcome to the Secret World Legends Roleplay wiki.

This wiki is devoted to player-made characters, organizations, cabals, and lore within Funcom's shared-world RPG, Secret World Legends. SWL is the spiritual successor to The Secret World MMO. Legacy TSW has had a thriving and vibrant roleplay community for the last four years, and many players have expressed interest in continuing the tradition!

If you're a roleplayer, also check out SWL roleplay mod!

For more information:

Featured Character

Emily Menton


Emily is at heart an idealist; she believes the world can be a better place and instinctively rebels at oppression, injustice, and impersonal authority in general. In some ways, she would have made a better Templar than a Dragon. Finding out that essentially everything she believed was a lie disillusioned her and left her confused, angry, and depressed. The Dragon has manipulated those facets of her personality to produce an efficient and controlled killer.