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-'Miranda Bhulher' (Formerly 'Miranda Sleter'):
-'Benjamin Bhulher':
-'Peter Bhulher':
-'Jennifer Bhulher':

Revision as of 23:51, 30 June 2017

'"Jen," "Helms"'
Played by: Ember16
Output D4gLpy.gif

Mortal, Female, 24

Aliases: ERROR 404 Not Found
Nationality: American
Residence: ERROR: 500 Internal Server Error
Employer: ERROR 404 Not Found
Function: ERROR 404 Not Found

[[Category:ERROR 404 Not Found]]


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TRANSMIT - musical chairs signal - RECEIVE - initiate verbose frequency - HOW IS A RAVEN LIKE A WRITING DESK? - initiate poetic licence - WITNESS - Jennifer Bhulher

Please stay tuned for a MESSAGE from your GLORIOUS HIVE.

OBSERVE: a woman. She is connected to something, as you are with us, Sweetling. We feel bountiful kinship in this way to her, though her bond is far less intricately woven. The comparison is difficult to your squishy, fragile brain-things. We tried to explain it once but it caused too many buggy incongruencies in your hardware. How then to make you see in front of what is beyond your focal lenses? Think of a mother nurturing its children, that is what we are. However this -404 ERROR- is a parasite. It does not nurture, it is the COOKIE file of the things that live in the dark, cold void between stars.

There are many names for the thing. The things you named it were wrong, but the things we name it make your tongues curl in and eat themselves like snakes. We settle then for your convention, Sweetlings, for we are most distressed when you lose your wiggly mouth appendages. You have called it “spirit” or “madness,” or “poltergeist” or “demon,” it is again none of these things. You should know this.

As for the female, inconsequential at first investigation. Her record is like a woven tapestry gone over by a fine tooth comb. But we saw the discrepancies, small though they were. Things that should be are not, things that are not, are, and things that are, should not be. We tickle our humming vibrations at the quandary. We see all, you see nothing. We wish you could see, Sweetling. It would make this data transfer more expedient, less prone to buggys nesting in your brain things. Read the magnum opus of damnation, the witching hour be upon us, DAMNED SPOT, DAMNED SPOT. We tell you of crows nesting at a blue-red tree. The branches are dying. We see a two faced god pull a key as ink spills like blood on the page and a cadaver tumbles down a rabbit hole.

We wish you could see, Sweetling. The orgy of slime climbs the ethereal strands you vanquish, yet still you are blind to our uploads. Rest now, Sweetling. Rest and see. 


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The information on this page is incomplete and should not be relied upon as accurate or official. Please check back later.

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The Bhulher family has, at-least since the sacking of Constantinople, been one of pure Templar stock. Past references are difficult to acquire due to Templar counter-intelligence, however thus-far all information indicates that they maintained a direct line to Red leadership as recently as four generations prior, circa 2014. Given no reason to doubt these claims, it is of great concern that a member of this family's most recent iteration eloped with one 'Miranda Sleter,' a former Illuminati agent and now potential compromise. Full-time surveillance is ongoing since said date of Oct, 1991. All measures short of direct termination (for now) have been authorized to minimize risk of further breach. Maintaining control and monitoring of both twin children is of priority.


-'Miranda Bhulher' (Formerly 'Miranda Sleter'):

-'Benjamin Bhulher':

-'Peter Bhulher':

-'Jennifer Bhulher':


This page has been marked as a work in progress.

The information on this page is incomplete and should not be relied upon as accurate or official. Please check back later.

Selected file is corrupt. Please contact ((SERVICE NOT FOUND)) aNd - sTOP r-Ea-d-ing NOW-.11.0##

ERROR. ERROR 988342.32bhfug28wr3iobgrph0AGIBSG787rb